Our Approach


Progeny Academy’s educational philosophy centers on the belief that all students can learn and deserve the opportunity to access and engage in rigorous academics and receive the social-emotional support needed to develop as a well-rounded, life-long learner. Additionally, the school believes that learners come to school with a unique profile of personal and academic experience and knowledge. All students need a school environment that can specifically and accurately pinpoint strengths and areas requiring support to create an authentic and individualized learning experience where the learner is challenged and supported to meet or exceed academic standards and develops the personal attributes to achieve success in secondary learning and beyond.

The primary purpose of Progeny Academy is to provide a rigorous and authentic learning program that is grounded in the inquiry based principles of the International Baccalaureate Programme (IB), and the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). Additionally, the school will deliver a relevant social/emotional learning program that guides students in their middle school years to understand development, goal setting, situational problem solving, and goal setting to create a safe and supportive learning environment for all learners.

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